Sunday, January 27, 2008


The current temperature here is -26. According to the Weather Network, with the windchill it feels like -40. I have a small bone to pick with the Weather Network and their "feels like" measuring system.
It does not "feel like" -40. When I take the dog out it "feels like"my nose is going to immediately fall right off my face and my eyes are going to seal shut. I think it would be much more useful to put a more practical, easily understood temperature measurement on their web page. How about: "Current temperature: -26. Feels Like: Your worst enemy throws a bucket of freezing cold water at your entire body then forces you into a huge vat of dry ice and snaps your frozen fingers off one at a time while you cry for your Mommy."
That's what it actually feels like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you....I mean what other friend of mine can match you in the wit department - NO ONE BABY!!!